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Elec Play, Reviews on the Run get Two Year Deal

Once again, the Canadians get all the good stuff.

From the EP/RotR/JD host Victor Lucas:

We have just closed a deal with Rogers and G4TechTV Canada to sign The Electric Playground and Reviews on the Run to them exclusively for the next two years with options for more. This means starting tomorrow our shows will be broadcast exclusively on G4TechTV Canada and (then additionally on other Rogers owned outlets–TBA).

So does this mean we’ll see Reviews on the Run and EP on G4? Probably not, seeing as G4TV in the USA is not owned or even part-owned by Rogers. But that’s not all!

As part of our arrangement with Rogers/G4TechTV Canada, our company will also be the new production comany [sic] behind Call For Help and Torrent. We’ll be making some tweaks to those shows but they’ll remain as rich with great information as they already are but now we’ll produce the shows out Vancouver and Greedy’s HQ.

They go on to say that Call for Help will INDEED be renamed. If any deal in America is announced, we’ll let you know, but for now it looks like this is only for our increasingly lucky neighbors to the north.

Source: EP Forums

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